
If WWII drags into the 1950s, Hearts of Iron IV crashes eventually.


God if only they had rejiggered this to be a Lando movie with a fun Han/Chewie cameo

There’s actually a setting in Word to capitalize only the first letter of each word. I think there’s also one that capitalizes the first letter of each sentence. So you could type in all caps (or all lower case) then use that setting to fix the text and make it look the way you want.

British Knights sneakers, MAD Magazine skateboards, and K*B Toys gift certificates? All still highly coveted!

Now they just need to find a host that also suffers from OCD, and it’ll be like the original all over again.

But is he Kitty Strong?

Righteous anger is a bug of the human brain, and this website is making some nice change monetizing those who view it as a virtue.

No you don’t! Joss Whedon cheated on his wife, so we have to hate Buffy now.

With you on that.

No need for Whedon. Any DC movie that came out in the last few years was soso at best and usually crap. Fittingly the author mentions Jenkins Wonder Woman which was pure boredom, completely uninspired and with a whiff of 50s educational programs to boot. Whedon would have done it better, even though he’s no master

They seem to parody masculinity a lot. Did you not get that?

Those commercials are more absurd than anything. However, being masculine isn’t necessarily toxic. Just because he’s a big guy with muscles doesn’t mean he’s encouraging people to treat women badly.

When it comes to Rube Goldberg openings, nothing beats Pee Wee’s Big Adventure!

Agreed. And everyone always argues “Her crew was supposed to trust her commands!” Do you WANT evil empires? Because THAT’S how you get evil empires.

Great cosplay, shit character. imo

Importantly, one must remember that there is no such thing as a Golden Showa Day.