
It needs to play sinister.mid the entire time it’s cleaning.

The bigger question remains: are the Jedi actually Space Mormons?

There was a very high death ratio in this video. :’(

The Klingons, they bring their good days to die and their blood wine and their pain sticks over here. And some, I’m sure, drink prune juice.

During the Obama Administration, they petitioned to have a Death Star built. Now they’re petitioning to have a row of giant pikes built.

I love this series so much.

One of my friend’s parents also liked playing Nintendo games, but she said keeping track of the 3D gave her a headache.

“Yo, Rob! You know that new sound you’ve been looking for? Well listen to this!”

If you told me that was a still from an episode of Knight Rider, I would believe you.

On the other hand... Imagine John Wick with nothing but knives.

The difference is forcing your brain to readjust. After watching a video game cutscene for a while, your brain stops telling itself that it’s a game engine and just accepts it as normal so you can process what’s going on. Brain sez: Close enough.

It’s always funny to read a serious review of something that is not suppose to be taken so seriously. Kinja bloggers at their finest.

I just watched that again after what feels like 20 years. Oh boy, all the zingers that went over my head as a kid!

Tolkien’s line worked best for the books, Jackson’s line worked best for the films.

More important than writing a strong (female) character is writing a good (female) character. That way, when it is called for that character to be strong, it works - As it did with Eowyn.

Sword broke.

Second Brexit: When England cedes from itself and reverts to the original fiefdoms that existed prior to the uniting of the lands.

Drill la Drill

Well they already said that Dr. Culber has returned from the dead, in what is sure to be writing just as watertight as Ash Tyler returning to the show. So I think what happens in the first episode is that Burnham wakes up from a nightmare and finds Ash in her bathroom taking a sonic shower.

Oh, I’m sure there will be a believable reason why Voq is in a Disco uniform again.