
I would call the original Dickens story a surrealistic thriller. Just like I would call A Muppet Christmas Carol a simple fairytale.

Baby zombie slayer.

There’s a difference between failing and simply being canceled.

Hulu will become the Miramax of Disney’s streaming service.

Yet another attempt to attack a very real problem from the wrong angle. It’s like needing to repair a bridge but instead demanding that the river be drained so everyone can just drive around it.

I got a lot of Washuu (Tenchi Muyo!) vibes from her. Definitely one of the best characters by the end of the first season.

Alright, show of hands. How many people STILL don’t believe that this is in preparation to move the entire NCU to Disney’s new streaming service?

“We didn’t sell your data, we licensed it.”

PSA: You do not mind a refurb.

PSA: You do not mind a refurb.

You never need to take off the 4G!

I could easily accept this as a lovable disaster of a movie like Lost in Space or Wild Wild West if it gave me any indication that it had a fraction of the charm.

It would be really nice if, some day, an animation studio would produce a child-friendly retelling of the story. They could even replace all the characters with walking, talking animals for all I care.

Beth: “After closely examining the casts’ array of penises, we came to the conclusion that the ratio of circumcisions was way too high for the time period. SMH.”

Let the harmonica hating commence!

I definitely recommend this show to anyone who isn’t sure about it. It’s short (15-minute episodes), within which are shorter vignettes, very funny and emotive, and a wonderful insight into Japan’s retail life. If you were a fan of DiGi Charat, this will be right up your alley. Having the show’s main character Honda

Though, don’t expect a full-scale Gundam with a range of movements, able to strut about and blow shit up.

The Last Jedi was still a good movie, despite everything. Some of the individual scenes in that film are the absolute best moments in Star Wars. Were it not for the obvious issues that would have spotted in a single additional test screening, it could have easily been the best Star Wars film of all time.

If you had replaced them with the ORIGINAL cast, instead of wasting them on bit cameos, the movie would still suck.

Thank god the kids are playing Fortnite to help ween them off their CounterSrike addiction.

I see they ascribe to the Star Trek Discovery school of worldbuilding.