
The Colbert Report just changed its name to The Late Show.

Fred, most savage.

Tested better than “Blake”.

In one of the last episodes of Agents of SHIELD, Daisy had her hair flopped to one side as a result of surgery to restore her powers. I remember thinking to myself that would be a nice new look for her.

Well, we already know that flapping her arms doesn’t work.


That’s basically the rule of thumb when buying MacBooks. If they reengineered the case, wait for the next version.

I have to commend Disney’s bravery, building a working Blockbuster Video into their theme park just for one character.

a time when The World Trade Center was always featured in movies

I’m not an avid comic fan, so this doesn’t hit me the way James Gunn did. But I’m starting to notice a terrible pattern.

Beautiful write up. This is what makes io9 great.

We do the same kind of thing. Robots never ever *need* to look human or even be anthropomorphized. But we do it anyways. Voice assistants don’t *need* to tell jokes or be witty, but we program those human traits into them anyways.

The first was great, the second was brilliant, and the third was... alright. Even EA probably realizes that it would be pushing their luck.

Live action cutscenes or we riot!

The worst droid ever is Treadwell from a deleted scene from Episode 4. It literally got excited and died, and Luke’s response was to shrug and leave it behind.

...and the Gonk droid stomping up and down on the controls after being freed.

No, Rebels revealed that Death Troopers were just regular humans who could actually hit stuff with a blaster.  They’re like a sharpshooter squadron.

Three movies”

Oh shit, they’re going past the OVA’s story and into the roller arena. I have been imagining a TV/movie version of that event since I was a teenager!
