
Moonves is out, the producers for Discovery season 1 are out, the new people being brought on are extolling the virtues of classic Star Trek, and Patrick Stewart is part of the writers room for his new series.

This is what Star Trek is all about. This was hands down the best part of Discovery so far. Not only that, it’s pretty high up there in terms of the entire franchise. All because they took the time to make it a positive story about humanity, and all the Trekkie bits and bobs just served to assist in telling that story.

Steel yourself for a whole season of Klingons, and Spock, and the Enterprise, and Section 31 (and, ergo, Mirror Universe people)... These one-offs are far more creative and original than Discovery itself is being allowed to be.

Zora not only had orders to stay... but she had developed a sense of loyalty. I think Zora refused to leave that spot much the same way the dog of a dead owner refuses to leave the spot it last saw them in. She was willing to get into trouble by giving Craft a valuable shuttle that didn’t belong to her but not willing

A Dodge Ram and fanny packs, that’s definitely a picture from the late 90s.

This sucks, but isn’t eating raw/undercooked meat (poultry especially) just Darwinism hard at work?

The comments in response to a bummed-out Alex Cranz are making me want to watch all the original movies again. So it’s not a total loss.

The CW Seems to Think We Really Like Richard Donner’s Superman

I think we have this responsibility to continue to articulate a hopeful, positive vision of the future. I think if anything that’s more important now than it was when The Original Series came out...

Guest-starring Captain Ezri Dax.

LOL, that makes no sense what-so-ever. What was the point of this arbitrary correlation?


Disney recently announced that they’re making a “buddy cop” series with Falcon and Bucky. They just now announced they’re making a Cassian Andor series. Nothing is beyond the pale at this point.

Am I the only one that feels like this steps into Metal Gear’s cinematic territory?

However, the JBL Clip 3 [has] this hockey puck design that means sound is only projected in one direction.

If you haven’t already, start watching The Orville. It returns to air next month.

Clint, again, with his “don’t touch the hair” face.

Tehar - a planet in an unknown region of space, suddenly attacked by the First Order, all the natives killed despite seeming like a primitive and non-threatening people, Kylo Ren himself lead the attack, Phasma sent to take out stragglers so the planet’s existence will “fade from memory”...

“...all them porg-eatin’, nerf herder pranksters...”

Listen... If you want me to coat my armor in chrome and wear a loud cape, make the rules say that I have to coat my armor in chrome and wear a loud cape!