
“‘A guy I was cheating on my boyfriend with once Venmoed me the morning after we got drinks, when I’d told my boyfriend I was with a different friend,’ one friend told me”

This isn’t the time to discuss hypocrisy and power abuse. We need to allow people to grieve the loss of Gunn and Bautista for now.

Texas got saxeT.

Jar Jar is the key to all of this.

Now playing

It is CBS’s fault for involving those that had nothing to do with it.

Now playing

Take the surprise success of the Powerpuff Girls, give it a Disney animation budget and a production team willing to do mature enough writing and dark enough themes that would force the Cartoon Network to air it at 11PM on a school night, and you’ve got Powerpuff Girls D.

Tommy Oliver is the Ahsoka Tano of the Power Rangers universe. Just meant as an add-on character and ended up becoming as big as the franchise itself.

Your friendly reminder to make sure you do not copy the timestamp along with the video URL which causes it to start playing almost at the end.

So much music from the late 90s. I’d rather see a GTA set in 1999 (the whole Y2K narrative would make a great subplot for side missions). The music being released at the tail end of the decade was completely different from the music being released at the start. In turn, American culture was completely different.

This is effectively the motto of all Kinja bloggers.

I see Michael Knight finally bought himself a Tesla.

I think a movie about a “crazy, old hermit” hiding on Tatooine to watch over Luke would do a lot better than any Young Jedi Obi-Wan movie could.

Finn doesn’t count? Or do you mean in a solo (no pun intended) outing?

Not calling it “Brewbuster” or something clever.

I’ve personally witnessed drivers do exactly that.

Yeah, the only way to make something like this work would be to do a campy, fun-loving PG movie akin to The Last Starfighter. Instead of some serious, dramatic plot, with serious, dramatic characters, it’s just an engaging Disney-ride-turned-film, filled with colorful characters, young and old (and a pet of some kind),

He’s totally going to try to eat a Porg.

Gee, you don’t say.

Right now, this is the only thing making me think I might actually need to subscribe to Apple Music. Also, this is only the second time that Apple will be publishing video over a service with the word Music in its name.

I said it would be pointless, I didn’t say it would stop.