
Adding fuel to the fire that they’re just eventually going to retcon all of the misguided liberties that Discovery took in the first season.

I thought that’s what Star Trek had already been doing?

Good! I don’t think I would have been able to withstand watching the entire cast or Rebels die one by one after having spent four years watching them grow and survive. Or risk the possibility that Ahsoka might have gone out with them.

Between each other, yes. With other Star Wars properties, both Rogue One and Rebels are guilty of overdoing it a little.

Traditionally in Star Trek, the finale of a previous season starts after the time jump took place. This allows us to wait for months, whereas in-universe the finale and the premier of the following season occurred one right after the other.

*travels to 1990*

Bastard doesn’t even have the courage to look you in the eyes.

He found that a touch of gray gave him an air of distinction.

It may not be the Jean Luc you know and love.”

*Dr. Evil making exaggerated air quotes*

Health-snacktaku :P

“Welcome back, Commander.”

With this heat, they really oughta put ice cream in those things.

Ah yes, ball, my favorite sport.

No, that Kylo Ren was lying to her because he was trying to groom her into a partner makes so much more sense.

All those long flying and talking scenes.

Donald Trump would NEVER settle for merely being Speaker of the House.

This legit made me laugh out loud.