
Apparently not, he’s moved on to resurfacing his old posts from years ago.

I can’t wait to see the Instagrams of the slick cardboard objects flying out of someone’s hands, across the room, and destroying their TV.

Gatebox’s slogan is “Living with characters.” Shouldn’t it be imprisoning them?

To be fair, the anti-anti-diversity rally (I think I got that right) didn’t help themselves any by making the word FASCISM the biggest thing on their title graphic.

io9: How dare people want an edit to make The Last Jedi a better movie!

It’s funny how we want to imagine universes with endless possibilities, then bolt the limitations of our own universe and time onto it.

So Keikyu Kamata Station is now Keikyu Kaamatatatataaa Station

You’re already delayed.

Well if it takes the heat off of Kelly Tran and John Boyega for a few days...

Princess Leia’s character ends with Carrie Fisher, but I hope the torch of General Organa gets passed to Fisher’s daughter. She’s been doing very good so far, I want her to become a main character in the franchise going forward.

Avengers 4 was filmed alongside Infinity War, so the events of that movie are mostly set in stone (hurr). Guardians of the Galaxy 3 would still be in the writing phase, nothing has been shot on film yet. These events won’t affect A4 much, if at all, but it will decide what happens in (and to) GotG3.

*All the trolls calling James Gunn a pedophile suddenly slink back into the woodwork*

Holy shit, Altered Carbon season 2!

Transhumanism is going to be so much fun when it happens for real.

medieval cover of David Bowie’s Rebel Rebel

Barrens chat pretty much died when they introduced realm-wide Trade chat to the capital cities. Now that’s where you go for all your paid carry spam and in-depth discussions of Trump and racism and other family-friendly topics.

There’s an actual Japanese Manga about this.

...and he waited until the very end of the war. Jerk.

Someone else was saying that the new trailer made Discovery feel more like an ensemble cast (like every other Star Trek series) and less like a single lead surrounded by extras.

I get a real The Tick vibe from this. Not that that’s a bad thing...