
I feel like tonally it’s probably a more buoyant season. Even those there are some episodes that are very very serious and intense, I think you’ll see in the first episode that there’s more balance between some of the humor that you’d see on TOS and the high stakes of the more modern versions of Trek.

“Someone’s been watching The Orville”

Dude, is that Roger Rabbit’s car wrapped around the tree in the second picture?

It might be smart to establish that this is “Prime Canon: Reloaded” somehow as a result of the events of the Kelvin movies. CBS knows that no one buys that Discovery is literally in the Prime Universe, and it’s in too weak a position to form its own Timeline against 50 years of established lore (and a decade of Kelvin

The Red Matter incident in the Prime Universe created ruptures at multiple points of time in the Kelvin Universe/Timeline. Nero was thrown back the furthest to the day Kirk was born. Spock didn’t show up until right before Nero attacked Vulcan, even though both of them entered the Romulan fissure at the same time. It

By the Prophets, it looks like it might actually be fun to watch! An actual space mystery, actual exploration and adventure, all the existing characters look looser and more comfortable in their own skins, intelligent humor that doesn’t feel forced or out of place... This is an answer to prayer. Hopefully this is an

The first two are really straight-forward. Shit gets hard to process in 3, and I can only imagine what 4 is going to be like since they probably feel an underlying need to out-crazy The End of Evangelion.

To be more precise... the issue is with patch 8.0.1. And when you compare that number to all expansion patch numbers before it, you quickly see why there would be a long list of problems:

Japan gets the best titles for American movies.

If you take a good, hard look at comic super heroes in the context of real life, you have little choice but to conclude that they are all severely messed up in one way or another.

He’s an actor, he’s not any kind of a fighter. It always comes down to stunt choreography and editing. I didn’t have a problem with the fighting in season 1, and no one was able to give me a compelling reason to. But I except it to (and know it will) be better this time around.

They dabbled in Heroes for Hire on Luke Cage season 2, and Misty Knight is in Iron Fist season 2, so there will be at least a bit of Daughters of the Dragon, like they teased in one episode of Luke Cage.

Scotty drinking that tall alien under the table remains one of the best scenes in all of Star Trek.

“You know what Cardassians drink in the morning? Fish juice. HOT fish juice...

If we don’t get shit like this in the MCU now, then it was all for NOTHING!

He prefers to be called The Senate.

since 2009

Future Man

Unfortunately, many podcast feeds are missing their earliest episodes. It’s always disheartening to start on episode 50-something and listen to them immediately reference something in a previous episode.