
- Accepts full responsibility for what he said

The Venn diagram of people who take joy in condemning people they do not like and people who take in all the information about a given situation in order to make educated, measured conclusions seldom, if ever, overlaps.

Because you can only go downhill from this:

That’s extremely heart-breaking. Mike has been one of the best parts of Kotaku in recent years, and his absence has been noticeable. If there is any chance of him getting back on his feet, I hope he does.

Thailand itself was professional about it. They said they didn’t need the sub, but was happy that Elon cared enough to show up and determine if there was some way he could help. They even pointed out other ways his team of engineers could be of service.

I’ll do you one better... WHY is America?

You upload an ad to YouTube, it get’s flagged as copyrighted, has ads added to the video, then a few days later gets taken down by the company being advertised and you get a copyright strike on your account. Then you notice someone else uploaded the same ad and nothing happened to it.

- A black President that the whole nation admires

“Aw, shit, it’s Upgrayedd!”

Were we only so lucky as to have that good of a US President right now...

Ryan, not young but still fresh in retail, finds his boss Kelly in the break room.

You just answered yourself.

Touchbar ... much larger trackpad ... usb3 ports

Notepad/TextEdit: The best Rich Text scrubber ever built.


The words they were looking for was “chilling effect”.

Just so long as she doesn’t dye it purple and waltz around like a petulant know-it-all.

But the actor’s faces and stock art background videos that you see for a few blurry seconds? Oh, that stuff had to really be filmed with cameras.

Somewhere, Tim Allen and Bob Vila just peeked up with excitement and they don’t yet know why.