
Well, that means the software worked perfectly. They just need to mark historical documents like the Declaration as exempt.

Heh, yeah, no, that ship has sailed.

It’s Intensive Care, or NOTHING!

“There’s only one God, ma’am. And I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.”

More crevices for hand gunk to get wedged into. I am liking that Mario Kart one though. The colors are perfect. It should have just been a fiberglass finish, though.

The inane hair-splitting needed to regard the Vegas statue as “sexier” is exactly where America is in 2018.

Mal: “...And that’s how I met your wife.”

This had better have a reverse switch.

The staff at Kinja would like for you to know that harassing and critizing people online is horrible and unforgivable... unless it makes them happy. In which case, buckle up because there’s going to be at least five more of these “articles”.

I guess not, he was turning down the position of Admiral for the same reason Riker was turning down the position of Captain. They both wanted to stay on the Enterprise.

Another yellowed-paper chestnut from the NO FUCKING DUH! files.

For better or worse, Star Trek Generations is canon.

Man, you have to admire the ambition it took to make that.

He doesn’t have to be an Admiral to become an Ambassador.

That photo is tagged as MacBook, so I guess that’s why Emily used it.

I agree, but most tourist don’t feel that way the moment they step off a nine-hour flight with multiple pieces of wheeled luggage. They, completely understandably, want to check in and ground themselves as soon as possible.

What computer is this? (Definitely not a MacBook)

The petition, clearly.

The Keisei line train to Narita International Airport, Tokyo, Japan.

It’s similar to the first film for the same reason The Force Awakens is similar to A New Hope: Safety.