
It sounds like someone wrote a story intended to be a Star Trek book, then he found out that he could use the Star Wars license and immediately rejiggered the whole thing to fit that universe.

Maybe we’ll find out why he had a silver leg during A New Hope.

How does one acquire the high ground against something that can CREATE HIGHER GROUND?

At the end of the day Stargate Origin is... fine. It had a budget of $250, and was pretty inconsequential, but it is fun, and actually funny, and has a lot of heart, and has some pretty clever continuity tie-ins at the end.

What we need now is a drama-infused story about Tiberius Kirk as a young kid and keep improbably injecting elements of the TOS timeframe into it.

Well, it would be Matt Smith (hopefully still rocking his Prince Charles accent), but it’s good to root for one’s Doctor of choice.

In one throwaway line they explain how the Ewoks were able to mount a defense against mechanized Imperial troops.

Only if it leads to a Guardians movie where they travel back to 1980s Earth and save a couple of whales!

This means there’s a very high chance that the scene of Kylo inspecting the downed Falcon AND the highly improbable sequence of events where Captain Phasma escapes Starkiller Base will be future episodes!

*GI-Joes sink a ship full of Cobra soldiers*

And that she got a double-kill on her first ever time using a gun turret?

Fei skipped right past the faceroll and went straight to the jellyroll.

It’s been this way in most Asian countries for several years now. Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, and Japan do this by default. Maybe some places here and there don’t, I’m not sure if it’s a actual law in any of these countries, but most do.

There’s more fat in a McDonald’s garden salad than grilling a burger in your backyard.

It really looks like the “iffy” stand-alone Star Wars movies are about to be two for two.

Chewy was a walking carpet before walking carpets were cool.

Chewy was a walking carpet before walking carpets were cool.

Would there really be mechs? There would definitely have been things like jet fighters, missiles, kevlar, automatic rifles, etc. Things that were only a few years away from being figured out at the rate wartime R&D was working.

Deadpool 3: N’sync is reunited just to do one pop ballad song.

Alden Ehrenreich is already signed on to be Han Solo in more than one movie, I guarantee it wouldn’t take a lot for Donald Glover to follow.