
You want to walk around topless and want others to feel obligated to avoid looking at you?

The newest entry in the Gallifrey fall fashion line.

When someone is watching The Next Generation for the first time and you tell them that you have a great amount of respect for the guy who plays Wesley.

Mork is best Doctor.

I recently watched a special on TV about train conductors working for Tokyo Metro. Those fuckers are human metronomes. They were pulling into stations right down to the millisecond, multiple times in a row. They were speeding up and slowing down at the exact same intervals on the same stretch of track.

Vaginas? What parallel universe are you living in?

I thought it said ‘Coke-flavored Pepsi’ and immediately thought, “In Japan? I believe it.”

Aww, I came here expecting to find that some dude had written a homebrew h-game emulator that ran on Xbox hardware.

It’s alright. 2nd Gig is definitely the high point of the entire franchise.

I think he’ll be fine. The aliens basically removed all of his core instincts - a pretty clear case of mental manipulation.

Inhumans IS steadily getting better. And is better on episode seven than Agents of SHIELD was. What Inhumans doesn’t have is the Ace in the hole that was SHIELD’s late-mid-season twist. That is what made it go from being okay to be outstanding. Remember what was happening during episode 7 of SHIELD? They were still

Actual goosebumps every time I hear it. That song is both a strong childhood memory and one of my official introductions to Anime.

I can’t seem to get my iPhone to make this mistake. I get alternating upper and lowercase Is via autocorrect.

They’ll fix that one in 11.2.2.

Captain Lorca makes so much more sense when you realize he’s Space Don Draper.

Can’t wait for House of Cards to become a Robin Wright/Michael Kelly vehicle.

Well, The Undercity is deep underground. If you nuke that location from the surface, you’ll just erase any evidence that there used to be an Alliance city there. The Undead will survive anything less than total invasion.

No. Jaina was apparently just licking her wounds in her hometown on Kul’Tiras. Now that the Legion is done for, everyone remembers that they hate each other so Kul’Tiras is suddenly on the front lines of renewed land-grab (and water-grab) war. So she’ll be an important faction leader for this expansion.

Hmm, they left out Star Trek: Enterprise.

stupid, pencil moustache, super-punchable face.