
Not to be outdone by Star Trek: Discovery

Nature’s bubblewrap.

Under their affiliate link.

Under their affiliate link.

Just make a note of where ol’ Bob is, and in 2000 years, when he’s important to history, you can collect a finder’s fee.

The second one sounds more likely. Kanan ain’t walking away as long as Hera is still there. And now we know she’s always going to be there. The only thing that will separate them at this point is death.

Maybe they followed a wayward Domino’s delivery driver.

I don’t see Lothal surviving in any capacity.

Canonically, Hera, Chopper, and the Ghost survive at least until after the events of Jedi. Disney has all but confirmed that Rex is the white-beard in Jedi.

I meant what I said, but don’t take it -too- seriously. Lest we become one of “those people”. I agree, Germain is a distinctly better human than some of the other bloggers here. It goes without saying that my complaint is addressed to whomever wrote the headline, be it him or otherwise.

C’mon, even YOU GUYS are suppose to be above this schlock.

Now playing

It also depends on how much longer anything is even animated by hand.

Similar to the AirPods sound events. I’m hoping this thing is a gateway drug for HomeKit. I just want my whole apartment to sound like a miniature band warming up all day.

That’s why they films go through editing.

Film Noir will always have -an- audience, but the movie-going populous at large just isn’t into that genre right now. Ghost in the Shell was a harbinger to that realization.


Move over, Ahsoka. HERA LIVES!

*Crewmembers talking to each other, another one runs up excited*

Followed closely by the time looping episode of the dearly-departed Dark Matter.

Joke’s on us. He got out before we really needed to use them.