
Completely false assumption, but I did get a kick out of reading “no lady Ghostbusters” in Aykroyd’s voice.

Enough with the prequels already. The future is not some scary, forbidden place to travel to.

This was one of the original ideas for a sequel. It eventually got turned into multiple games.

That is the observation of the week.

That makes perfect sense. You’re basically using a Chromebook in place of an iPad. And if something were to happen to it or you lost it, you’re only out a fraction of the cost.

$200 Chromebooks are a mistake to buy as well. But at least I can understand the logic behind getting a general purpose net appliance on the cheap if you don’t want to deal with the baggage of legacy PC OSes.

The fantastic irony that in that same picture you are using a 2TB hard drive as a diskette. :>

Found lost wallet

Motherfuckin’ Street Sharks!

Not on fire, but it has been dead-looking for a good while.

Netflix is the opposite of poor these days. And they make Kevin Spacey work economically.

Now playing

I can’t shake the thought that spherical wheels might actually be a good idea once someone is brave enough to try it.

They’ll be what we point to when we tell our grandchildren that “We should have seen the warning signs.”

The “greatest country in the world” really needs to get on Japan’s level when it comes to public transit infrastructure.

Stay out of Shibuya on Halloween night then, as of last year it is an open riot.

Nothing gets by you.

Wow, some toys nail the look of an actor but I thought that first picture was a photo.

Now playing

I see other YouTubers are lifting Van Paugam’s style of setting City Pop to short Anime loops. If you want longform mixes of this kind of music, definitely check his channel out as well. Between these two channels and YouTube’s suggestion algorithm, you’re probably going to lose sleep tonight.

This guy has close ties to The TWiT Network, a group that has been very vocal against sexual harrassment and assault. It’ll be very interesting to see what (if anything at all) gets said about this on their podcasts.

The Walking Dead wishes it was this interesting.