
You realize your argument began and ended with an insult to the person you were replying to, right? How in the world did you think anything good or worthwhile was going to come of that? On a pragmatic level, you're not going to have any kind of positive response from calling someone a crap photographer. On a

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Fucker had like, 30 goddamn dicks.

I'd like to design the uniforms for the sodomy squad.

If they outlaw blowjobs and butt secks only the criminals will have blowjobs and butt secks.

Add a helmet and a saddle section, and et voila:

I should get armor.

Stop that! NO SINGING!

What is this taste!?

"Papers, please." "What is the purpose of your trip?" "I plan to play games." "Duration of stay?" "I stay just 14 days." "There is a problem with your documentation." DETAIN

Took me three tries to read that and understand it. Well done...

Madden is dead to me until EA gives the game a decent create a team mode.

If you didn't immediately begin singing along to Drunken Sailor as soon as it came on while playing AC IV, you are dead to me.

Ditto. I don't even say "bisexual" anymore. I say "I'm a Kinsey 2." It's not perfect, but it seems more accurate since people seem to think bisexual means you like both genders exactly 50% of the time.

All other games feel like their worlds exist because I'm there to experience them.
In GTAV, it feels like I'm not needed. That it would be there regardless. It would rain, the sun would rise and set, sail boats would bob on the waves and deer would graze in the twilight.
Either that or I should stop drinking

True story: I was building a website for a client and, before it was available for public consumption, I wanted to populate it with some text other than Fake Latin (which always seems to confuse people). SO I used the text of Ellison's incredible short story "Jeffty is Five."

About a week later, at 1am I got a call,

and roof