
Awkward Zombie.. Only 4 of 36 panels in the actual comic? How did you manage that Owen?

English fail here.

Namco Bandai is Square Enix?

This is the elusive 5th level orgasm.

Since something seems broken here and I can't seem to post replies to the thread I wanted (Hey Lorewise, this is for you!), let me just leave this here:

And yet Aveline, our protagonist, is a wonder. She is the reason to play Liberation.

No! It's all obviously an allegory for the world wars, and the Eagles are 'Murica coming to save the rest of Middle Earth (Europe)'s bacon!

I can see the first bug reports:
"Pod six always explodes" "pod six declares itself podsixia and explodes" "wtf is wrong with the people in pod six?!"
And they'll all be marked NOTABUG. Working as intended.

You obviously never played the original tomb raider...

I agree. Hell, even the hunger games have her "chaperoned" by the male leads. More so in catching fire where the plan is put in place to chaperone/protect her the entire film. Make her a symbol, willing or no.

Well the mice are ahead of this curve:

Maybe Honorable kitty would like Samurai armor?

... Dude? Seriously? You say the guy was driving to conditions.. Obviously, not since he didn't have the sight line to do 100km/h. I realize it's not obvious, but the road has curves/hills in it if you look closely.

Great, now I need another one. Thanks, Obama.

Or the numberpad.. Ahh thedays of numberpad overlays.
Speking of colecovision... Superaction baseball was my first baseball videogame. I put so many hours into spinning the little wheel on the superaction controller. (Is it also the first four button controller?)

Ies. Yf iou don't mynd, we are.

You fail by not calling him Pippin. The parents fail if his middle name is not "Took". Also acceptable nicknames are "You fool of a took!"

... The problem with most MMOs is that they try to copy the success of WoW, which was an incremental (small incremental) change to the everquest style, which is honestly all just a copy of the old text base Mud/Mush/MWTFevers.

While we're on the subject:

And that's just not cricket. But neither, apparently, was Ashes Cricket 2013.