
I still have a blanket from an ex girlfriend because it's a nice blanket, not for sentimental reasons. My wife doesn't know it's from my ex, and I don't plan on telling her. 

Ssssssshhhhh, keep it under your hat, let the dumbing down of the population continue, perhaps in time they will take all of themselves down. Idiocracy is real.

I am a scientist who’s lived with a septic system most of my life (currently in my 7th decade). Please cite a reliable source for the statement that citric acid, in the amounts needed to clean hard water deposits off plumbing fixtures, is harmful to septic system function. Otherwise, I think you are just copying from

Those that can’t do, teach.

AV Club is pathologically horny for Dave Chappelle at this point. I wonder if they ever consider how much free promotion they’re giving him.

Mary Kate Carr continues to make a living criticizing the work of other people with actual creative talent. You bottom feeder.

Chapelle outrage and Stranger Things are the only things keeping this site alive.

Who stopped obsessing about hand washing??? Not this guy.

Not only a game changer but to have it anytime you want.

I’m glad I could help. 

Let me get this straight, you put the lime in the coconut?

Free speech MUST remain free. You might feel comfortable giving the reins over to the people who are trying to control speech today, but there is no guarantee that you will be comfortable *or safe* having given that power to the people *or person* who will control speech tomorrow. And that is why the right to speech

The purest thing to ever grace that terrible app

Everyone should forward this to their parents/grandparents (and/or children too).
Don’t fall for clickbait!

A new one I’ve seen is FB messages from family “Guess who just died...” with a link. First off, anyone insensitive enough to break news of a loved ones death over FB messenger deserves a slap, second, think

I adore this man.

oh my god, if Cheers came out today there would be so much howling about that.

Bullshit - you knew it wasn’t that Cheers because Sam didn’t let black people work or drink in his bar.

Oh, not that Cheers. Man, that was a weird moment.

I would suggest merely paying attention in basic high school science classes.