
I plan to watch them all. Thanks.

I don’t mean to sound rich and fancy but there is no universe in which I am washing a sheet of aluminum foil.

I have to chuckle because the article is about aeration, but the photo used shows a tool for de-thatching your lawn (and a pile of thatch). Sorry, couldn’t resist.

The fact that ABC (owned by Disney) doesn’t have a live tv agreement with Hulu (owned by Disney) just adds to the fuel of how idiotic these studios are.

ps: maybe turn off autoplay, instead.”

Counter-point: Nah

But I want them to recommend stuff to me. That’s the point of it all. My YouTube knows what I like 

Meh, I like my watch history, particularly when I need to track down a video I watched.

With one giant caveat being This Old House/Ask This Old House, the best show on television, and the only one my fiance and I watch regularly. We may as well add Kevin, Tom, and Richard to the wedding guest list at this point.

Guess that game of Monopoly is over.... anyone up for Uno?


Yep. The Rule of Avocados: If you cut into an avocado, eat it. All of it. There is no going back. Everything will be fine, it’s not a Snickers bar. Same rule applies to tomatoes. That one is called, The Rule of Tomatoes.

I’m not exactly sure why splitting an avocado in half from top to tail became the way to cut into the fruit (my guess is symmetry)

Don’t sleep on the Great Lakes, especially when you’re looking at cost per square foot.

I don’t want to be that guy, but... this just sounds like “playing with your kids will sometimes result in your kids getting hurt.” Well, yeah. That’s the risk that comes with physical activity. Letting your kid climb trees runs the risk of them falling out of trees. Letting your kid ride a bike means they might fall

Tucker: The Man and His Dream should’ve been mentioned.  

Can I just say how much I appreciate this being a list and not a slideshow?

Yes, the vax saved many lives, almost exclusively among the very old, obese, and ill cohort. But many lives were also lost (excess deaths) or adversely effected, especially among the vast majority of the population who never needed it (esp. kids), but pfizer reaped record profits (after violating their ‘no profit’

Have you heard about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu – you get what you deserve. So if you’ve been a good person, you might get a delicious meal. But if you’ve been a jerk, you’ll probably end up with a kale salad.

Yep, I’m still here! :)