
Will this interfere with the devices injected into me under the guise of a “Covid Vaccine”? 

But what about the dangers of magnetic fields?

Yes. This is good. No poxy slideshow, and no “You’re doing [whatever] wrong” headline. Also tips that some people might not know. More like this please.

I learned from Lifehacker that you should read out loud what you’ve written in a text/email/blog before publishing to make sure it make sense.

So they do have an idea? Is this a typo or a weird double negative

Can we please stop saying sour cream, butter, bacon, cheese, are “unhealthy” and “shit”?

What he meant to say was “Free from you and I held at gunpoint via the government.”

Somehow I knew this would be a slideshow. Holy shit you guys are turning into buzzfeed. (eww)

A child falls outside and comes in crying and upset”

Yeah, another unedited article made it through. (Puts on old-man hat, and journalism student ascot) I remember when proofreading and editing were an integral part of journalism, not dump a thousand words as fast as you can to meet quota. (removes hat and scarf)

this is exactly right

If that was true, then courts wouldn’t be blocking the forgiveness. 

Midterm elections are over. Don’t expect more handouts until they want to buy your 2024 vote.

It was a glorious episode, a masterclass in exposing idiocy and hypocrisy from multiple angles. The “black heaven” skit was the smartest bit I’ve seen on SNL in many, many years.

As someone who was a school child in 1973, I can attest that winter DST sucks big rocks.

Although I’ll be retired by then and probably won’t care, I do feel for all the kids standing out waiting for the bus in the cold and the dark.

I’m team standard time. For myself it’s much more relaxing and feels normal. I’m also in the south in CST and during the summer I hate that our sunsets are at like 9pm and with temperatures staying over 100 consistently, it would be nice for it to start cooling down earlier. This year switching to Daylight really took

I couldn't possibly give two shits about when the sun sets in winter, waking up to darkness for months will straight up give me depression. 

microwave defrosting is SOOOO bad!! you’re not thawing, you’re cooking meat in the worst possible way. only heating the water molecules and denaturing the proteins inconsistently.