I’m not convinced Joan actually knows who Jane Goodall is...
I’m not convinced Joan actually knows who Jane Goodall is...
Joan is just the fucking worst. The worst.
I assure you, those of us outside of New York don’t think about and don’t care about the Cuomos.
It’s almost as if the “dirtbag left” is in fact made up of dirtbags...
Let it never be said that Bernie Sanders is anything but a narcissistic sociopath.
Fuck yeah, Nancy Pelosi is empowering—you might not know that she’s the first and only woman Speaker of the House of Representatives? Well, she is! And the greatest Speaker of our lifetime to boot! True, true, she’s not a Sandersista, which makes her slightly worse than Hitler, but she’s been pretty darn effective…
i dunno, The Root did more to explain the benefits of a Warren presidency than Jezebel ever did.
Trump’s already there. The Bernie Bros should think long and hard about whose comments they’re echoing.
“...and also appeared to confuse his wife with his sister.”
Sanders still got 6,000 more votes than Buttigieg...
You guys are really committed to these shitty videos, aren’t you?
Based on the still alone I knew this was going to be the one film Joan didn’t shit all over.
Respectfully, while I won’t attempt to relitigate Obama’s progressive bonafides,
Has the Barf Bag been shitty lately, or should I blame myself for how I feel right now?
Would it kill you to admit that Comey screwed her over and America elected Trump because they were still reeling from electing a black president? Hillary helped get more substantive legislation passed AS FIRST LADY than Bernie has in his entire career. If he’s the nominee I will vote for him. If Barney Fife is the…
Alternate take: she IS helping.
She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary” nonsense certainly didn’t help her…
Let me save the inevitable trolls some time (trolls are like death and taxes)
Praxis, it’s a poli sci term constantly misused by dirtbag leftists in much the same way Paris Hilton et al used the term feminism to mean “what I was going to do anyway” in the mid-00s