
An added bonus of Professor Hulk being a accepted public member of society going forward: People on the West Coast won’t bat an eye at the sight of a giant green DA.

Black person here, speaking on behalf of myself and of no other black person. I personally think it’s okay to dress as a specific character or person. Dress up in the clothes and accessories that define that character/person without adding skin color changes (makeup, paint, etc.). Where the line is drawn for me is

Illinois does a lot wrong, but we elected Durbin and Tammy Duckworth as our senators. They are both fantastic.

Now playing

All she’s known for!?! Ahem. Excuse me. Perhaps you’re not acquainted with a little movie called MANNEQUIN??

Also they may be on well water up there in MI, and those 200 cars are surely leaking all sorts of nasty fluids directly into the ground.

One man’s “Enthusiast” is another man’s “Hoarder”.

I’m sorry David, but I believe our gentleman friend, regardless of his cheery disposition, falls into “Hoarder” territory.

If they were running, driven, exhibited, or maintained....maybe I’d change my mind...but nope...we’re in straight hoarder-land here.

Damn, those are some ironic initials for Heather Hayer.

I think you’re looking at this wrong, though. It’s not about some people being protected over others. We all possess attributes of protected classes. For example, a black man is not a protected class, race and gender are protected classes. If someone refuses service to that black man on the basis on either his race OR

I have MS and I’d probably consider being friends with Taylor Swift like befriending an autoimmune disorder

she did not die because she used (and sometimes abused) drugs.