
My mom swears by doing kettle corn in a wok. Might solve your burn problem. 

I used to order the vegetarian meal on airlines to avoid the mystery meat. Then one morning flight they served cereal, banana and bagel - totally worked, right? No they brought me my "vegetarian" meal of cold noodle topped with stewed prunes. Swear to God. It looked foul. At my look of horror it was swiftly taken away

There was a great Indian place we would go to in law school - the curry was rather bland (for me) until a few visits in when I got the big pronouncement- "you can have more spice now!" Heh. Such a proud moment!

Skip both walnuts and chocolate chips - instead take dried cherries, soak in booze (bourbon) then add the cherries (drink the booze). Magnificent!

Yeah but do you see the point that they are not all the same level of horrible?

I adore Petit Vour - you get great value and the products are amazing. A nice mix of skincare and beauty products. Although more glitter options than a 40 year old really needs!

I really want to try out linen sheets, but the loomsted site appears to only stock quuen and king size. Anyone know a good place to get full size?

So true - you forget what the real thing tastes like. I’ve been GF for 7 years now and qualify that things are good “for gluten free”. Then my friends correct me that it does not taste like normal beer, pizza, etc. Sigh.

Awwwwso cute! My Ein (corgi) and housemate’s Rocky (lab)

So so so true. You know folks love you when they skip the bakery because you can’t eat anything. I miss you gluten! Sniff.

I love it when they have an “I’m listening” look

You have unleashed the floodgates of dog cuteness.

I’ve had this for a while now. It is pretty accurate but it is only helpful if you are close to the stop. Where I live I’d have to jump in my car and drive out to the stop. Which I will do for a snorlax, but not for all the weedles it keeps showing me!

If just cutting out gluten isn’t working, your body may react to gluten-like proteins. The autoimmune protocol (AIP) is helping me with that issue. Sadly, it means no grain (rice, oats, etc), dairy, coffee as your belly heals from the inflammation. But it may not be permanent!