
Unfortunately the show is still “Jon Favreau plays through a decent-enough videogame and makes people watch.”

This was another “okay, but not great” episode, which is par for the course for this “okay, but not great (at best) series.”

A best comics list with multiple mainstream superhero titles? I’m not sure where my browser redirected me when I tried to go to the AV Club, but I think I’ll start commenting here instead.

I heard a description of Driver as “someone tried to draw Keanu Reeves with their left hand” and can’t not think of that every time I see him now.

Thank you! The real reason I hated The Last Jedi is that it ultimately didn’t take the overarching story in any real direction. For everyone’s talk of how much it changed things, the state of our main characters was largely unchanged by the end of the movie. Kylo Ren was bad, Rey had no teacher, Finn had a reason to

Was very confused by this because I assumed it was a sequel to the movie I saw a preview for around this time last year (at Into The Spider-Verse, which is why this stood out -- Spider-Verse made its animation look incredibly lame), but apparently it’s that same movie, delayed a full year. Always a good sign.

I’m pretty sure Doomsday Clock was greenlit before Watchmen was even discussed. DC Rebirth (which included Doctor Manhattan) started in 2016 and Lindelof wasn’t brought on to the Watchmen project until 2017.

The thing that truly disappointed was how they handled Laurie. Here she is reunited with Manhattan and Ozy for the first time since the squid attack and she was so nonchalant and passive. She didn’t try to say anything to him or looked shocked that he looks like a totally different person. Previous episodes showed

Both things can exist and be totally fine? Let’s not pretend that people watching the shows and movies who aren’t already reading comics suddenly want to read comics.

How does it make it redundant? Two interpretations are better than one, especially considering how far apart their angles of attack are on the legacy of the original series. If they were telling the same story, sure, but both seem like they can very happily coexist.

When Trieu started monologuing, I knew for certain that her plan was going to fail. If only her dad had cared to impart a little fatherly wisdom.

Shazam was definitely the best DCU movie, and far better than nearly all the MCU movies (GotG2 and Thor excluded). It’s funny, touching, and more than anything, not the SAME FUCKING THING FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME.

I know this is pretty controversial, but I liked Shazam and I think more DC movies should follow its lead.

Shazam has been my favourite of the DCEU movies, it had a better villain and 3rd act than Wonder Woman did. I’m really looking forward to these new films.

Hamill initially said he disagreed with Johnson’s choices.

He said those positive things in 2015, and in 2019, he has a different opinion.

You think cockroaches aren’t going to be dicks to each other when they invent Cockroach Twitter?

Man, I could see not liking Good Time, but I find it hard to imagine it being boring. That thing vibrates at its own stressful frequency that seemed if anything lean and to the point.

I feel the exact same way and, similarly, would like to hurl myself into a volcano if I have to read the words “Academy Award Nominee Adam Sandler”.

INT- Waverider