
If I were Oscar Isaac, I’d be spitting mad they turned Poe from a hero into a dirty mutineer responsible for the deaths of thousands.

I agree. I really liked The Last Jedi, but fuck if I care if someone on the cast has other thoughts and expresses them. They have way more skin in the game than I do, and a lot more variables to consider.

I liked The Last Jedi, but I agree with Boyega 100%, especially since he got saddled with the part of the movie I largely didn't like at all.

I go the other way. The fact that JJ Abrams has issues with The Last Jedi only confirms my feeling that it’s a masterpiece.

Great.  We get to talk about this some more.

How pathetic can the writers on here get to put Joker on the list? You wished for it to bomb for vindication but that didn’t quite work out for you guys, did it now?

Spending the months leading up to Joker’s release anticipating how bad it will be and then putting it on the worst of the year list for not living down to your expectations is pretty much Peak 2019 AV Club.

My buttcheeks, actually.

I'm pretty sure everyone who watched Season 2 wouldn't mind if it stays gone. :P


He was great as a Custodian of the Chronology because he was playing exactly THAT. 

This is really the best show.

Say what you will about Lena Dunham.

Considering how many sickos out there eagerly cheer corporations[...]”

Has he made any anime films? CHECKMATE.

Except Tony’s entire character from Civil War and beyond was about super-heroes being put in check, having some form of oversight put on them so they couldn’t just do whatever they wanted. Then in FFH he decided to give EDITH to a teenage superhero to do whatever he wanted with it, with no one to question his

Remember the government control that Cap fought against and was willing to bring down SHIELD to stop in Winter Soldier? That’s what Tony wanted to give to a teenager in FFH.

One of my biggest issues with Far From Home was how Tony was all about more oversight on the superhero community in Civil War yet in Far From Home he thought it was perfectly fine to give a 16 year old boy total control over a spy satellite/orbital weapons platform.

I can understand the merits of Endgame in terms of being the culmination of this huge cinematic endeavor. But I just don’t think it’s that good of a movie. Same goes for 99% of Marvel movies tbh. Slightly above passable, just enough to provide a decently entertaining time at the movies that, by all means, I won’t