
To me Parasite was the best. I can’t quite make up my mind about The Irishman. I get the sense that maintaining a subdued tone is a significant part of the point, but it also dampens my enthusiasm about actually watching it, particularly given the run time.

Disney getting every bit of IP out of the brand.

[Little kid spins wheel, which lands onAnakin Skywalker]

Did you have a stroke?

Stevie, is that you?

This movie better be really fucking good if they think they can glue people to their seat in their own home for 3.5 hours.

“Just watch the fucking movie” yeah sure bitch, maybe when I’m paid millions to works “sometimes for a few month” I might have time to watch something like that in one sitting. Probably won’t, it

I have a little trouble with the idea that a performer can be more wooden than Jerry Seinfeld. That said, Mulaney is a very mannered and deliberate performer, and his braying Stage Voice takes some getting used to. His specials also feel very writerly, rather than going for a loose, off the cuff comedy-club vibe.  

I think if I saw Tom Petty in 2019 I would worry about zombies.

I don’t think he actually gives a shit if you decide to watch his movie however you want. He was asked for his thoughts about why he didn’t create a mini series and gave an honest answer.

Tom Petty died in 2017 so there’s that. 

Okay but in terms of watch order, does the Irishman come before Civil War or after Doctor Strange?

It’s really not fair to blame Scorsese for your parents’ faults. Wait, your mom isn’t Domenica Cameron-Scorsese, is she?

No, but there’s a pause button on the remote so you can create your own intermission.

Depends if we count his movie scripts. Those....leave something to be desired.

I’m watching it in short, 30 second bursts on a smart watch.

Honestly the fact that Looking Glass fought back against them all was my favorite thing of the episode. I really want to see more of him

Last week’s episode is a high water mark for superhero mythos to me, and anything else this show does or doesn’t do, won’t effect what an astonishing hour of television it was.

I know, it was almost comical when the grandmother croaked, like oi here’s another tragedy!

I think Looking Glass is already in the Penney warehouse. When Petey was at his bunker telling Laurie about all the dead guys, one of those dead guys had no mask. So my theory (hope) is Petey and LG tag teaming to save Laurie.

I think that was just Lindelof being unable to contain his Lindelofness.