
At times it felt like I was watching a cheap “Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman” episode or “Xena”. Is AVClub getting paid to write these raving reviews of the show. Because it’s really not that good, and I expect more from this company/franchise.

Felt to me more like an underwritten but overly financed Samurai Jack episode. Which . . . I'm fine with! I'm not expecting high art from Disney. And as cheesy as some of this episode was, nothing in it felt as cheesy as the flying Mandalorians last episode.

And what terrible things did Finn do before he swapped sides? Having never really seen him as a baddie, or been told of his feats as a baddie, there's no payoff for him flipping.

Not much of a comics guy, but the character design here appears inspired by Janelle Monae and that is definitely a thing of which one ought to express approval.

I was so ready for this comic. 1) I love N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth Trilogy. 2) I’ve dug pretty much all of the Young Animal series to date. 3) My favourite character is ‘any Green Lantern who isn’t Hal Jordan’.

So a lot of you just straight up missed when he said he was recording the video before the attack happened, right?

The need to shit aside, there is a ton of time between the comic and the TV show. He had all the time he ever needed.

“A dump?  I already took one 35 minutes ago.”

There is a difference between an actual mystery with a resolution, which the series appears to be working towards, and the oft-maligned “Mystery Box”, which is all about setting up something with no idea what it means.

There are very few lead roles for black people in either America or Europe.

❤️ Only here real single girls are ready to mingle! >> ❤️

Wasn’t going for a take. Just commenting in the comments section about the topic. 

I am intrigued by this, but Lady Bird was horrendous. Insultingly so. 

Oh, and one more thought that just occurred to me: Will is inspired by seeing the story of Superman (brought to us via the American immigrant narrative, as symbolized by the accented newsstand guy whose copy he looks at), thinking it mirrors his own story, but the actual baby cast away from their home planet in this

New Frontier is so fucking good

I was a little surprised he didn’t have an encounter with Hollis Mason who would have been on the force at the same time.

There are enough motifs and metaphors to fill out a half dozen prestige dramas, and, in the eight episodes screened for critics, they raise more questions than they answer.”

“That’s a ways from Doctor Manhattan’s adopted home of Mars, but that doesn’t necessarily shoot down the theory that the erstwhile Jonathan Osterman is the responsible for Veidt’s imprisonment.

Yeah, no shit. Why would it?

I, too, have found that a lot of GMG articles come across as nothing more than Echo Chambers.

Richard and Mortimer is, at its absolute best, mildly entertaining. It’s “smart” and funny to those douchebro guys who are neither smart nor particularly funny, but are convinced they’re the wittiest person in every room. This show personifies the unearned confidence of straight white men.