Guys, I'm beginning to think Gwyneth Paltrow isn't a very good person
Guys, I'm beginning to think Gwyneth Paltrow isn't a very good person
Directly into my veins.
They completely screwed themselves by hiting Walton. I kind of feel bad for the team. He clearly isnt a good coach. But hey, any time you can hire a subpar coach with sexual assault allegations...!
Barkley didn’t like how LeBron had to take the brunt of criticism for something Morey did
“Wonder if there were conflicts or if this is a bad sign about the film itself.”
The only two possibilities.
I understand. Not everyone can have such good taste, sophistication and, dare I say it, devastating good looks as me.
LeBron James: [no look] “Pass.”
Its a murder mystery and Batman apparently makes his way through a long list of suspects. I think it's a pretty cool idea and will be nice to seeBatman in detective mode.
I hear it’s part of the Uighur re-education curriculum in Xinjiang.
Fine, then I guess I will have to play both characters myself.
That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.
Neither was Heath Ledger, until he suddenly, emphatically was.
Gina Rodriguez, in accordance with the Wokery Act of 2017, you are officially cancelled. Please hand over the login information to your social media accounts and report to 30 days of mandatory Twitter abuse.
I thought he was already. Arrow anchored a show for 8 years and was the lynchpin of a television multiverse. Hawkeye is the most boring avengers character, to the point he vanishes for years and no one cares.
Seemed pretty unnecessary, IMHO. Harden had already stepped back from the question twice.
Harden always getting bailed out by the refs.
Complicated is short-hand for money on one side and morals on the other.
“Can you really be the best pitcher of your generation if I ignore 92% of someone’s career?”
Mike Trout