
Which is EXACTLY why they didn’t need to go through all that Lawnmower Man-excited-to-use-this-tech crap in the first place. It’s so glaringly obvious they could have just cast Will Smith as THE YOUNG WILL SMITH. Look at the poster and they literally have the exact same baby smooth skin. After all that senseless

I’ve watched that clip so many times over the past week.

Runnin’ through the house with a pickle in my mouth!

As analogous to the Trumps, Murdochs, et al, nothing feels as creepily on the nose as Kendall is to Don Jr. I’m sure that dummy has made some embarrassing raps to kiss up to his gross dad, or maybe a country song since he’s trying to come off such like a good ol’ boy.

Molly was trying to throw to commercial, Kellerman was trying his best to fart on air again.

I think they enjoyed the depiction of Mongolians

What’s with the periods in NBA? Is that an AP style thing, because it looks super weird.

Wouldn’t it have been shorter to just write “Applebees”?

Kyle doesn’t deserve anther shot at New England in the SB.  His legacy is already etched in stone.

they would have ruined it. That one episdoe is perfect.

Psyched to see this, though it does make me miss “Korgoth of Barbaria”, which ought’ve gotten at least one season.

I hate Nate. My Ma hates Nate. Seriously, Nate looks just like B. J. Novak and acts just like Ryan in The Office, but without the hilariously misplaced confidence and blatantly put-upon persona. Nate just sucks.

Gerri far and away is my favourite character among a whole cast of amazing characters.

If it makes you feel better, the first table read was right after the 2016 election and apparently Jesse's quote was "Well ... I guess we made the right show." 

I know this season was written and shot months ago. But tonight, more than any other episode, had me gobsmacked at the mirroring of current events. A family dynasty of a soulless patriarch and the siblings who stop at nothing for their means to survive at whatever the cost is so incredibly  Trumpian, it’s remarkable.

Does anybody really give a shit?”


Jesus fucking christ, doesn’t it ever get tiring

The actress seems like a nice person.

That's what I like about actresses. I get paid a higher salary after each film and their pay rate stays the same. Yes they do, yes they do.

Did you do that when you were hired for whatever you do for a living?