One of my favorite Joker moments came out of Batman: Animated Series in Christmas with the Joker.
One of my favorite Joker moments came out of Batman: Animated Series in Christmas with the Joker.
We (as fans) were expecting the team to improve from last year and compete for the division, wild card at the worst. If the Vikings don’t make the playoffs, Zimmer and Spielman are likely done.
Have you seen Cousins this year? That team is not winning 8 games, no matter how good that defense is. Even if they make the playoffs, you cant win games with QB like that. You can lean on your defense or running the ball oh so much. At some point, Cousins has to be able to put the team on his back and win games…
They have perhaps the best roster in the division. Expectations are high because people expect the team to be good. They forget they have Kirk Cousins at quarterback and are the Vikings. When the games matter, they’ll choke.
Cant wait for Joe Soucheray to weigh in on the “differences” between Thielen and Diggs!
Honestly, a gender-bent Joker writes itself: an introverted, depressive woman finally hears a guy on the street telling her to smile for the ten millionth time and just... snaps.
@A.A. Dowd - how exactly was the Aurora shooter dressed as the Joker? Citation definitely needed.
This may be the first ripped-from-the-comics spectacle that’s also, essentially, a one-man show.
After Hangover 2, my only interest in the third one boiled down to “I’m curious as to how they write Justin Bartha out of the film after the first act this time.”
Joker is almost entirely humorless
“...including the one that donned the costume of The Joker himself before opening fire on an Aurora auditorium:”
“but a review of this film would have been nice”
Remember: Rule of Dowd means this is really an A-.
Why did you say that name?!
Wow, this is next level bad.
Lady famous for playing evil lady should play Famous Evil Lady.
Interesting. What would you recommend if you wanted to watch something funny?
“purists might be more upset at Phillips for turning the intriguingly mutable, multiple-choice origin story of Batman’s nemesis into what looks like a barely-connected-to-the-comics roadmap for thwarted, entitled white-guy griping.”
Eh, Lucky Louie may have played with sitcom tropes but it was still all from his point of view in the end, and it honestly still kind of allowed him to be the loser with the competent wife most of the time. So really not the same at all.
Also, yeah. I felt that show was gross and dumb yet supposed to be thought of as cl…
Maybe goof a little harder on his sexual allegations.