
I enjoyed Michael Stuhlbarg as Sy, the worst fixer ever.

“Noah Hawley’s . . . diaper . . . is . . . full . . . of . . . shit.”

So this is a straight drama, not a satire or black comedy? Wow, that’s a missed opportunity. This story seems tailor-made for Wes Anderson.

You’re delusional. No unattractive girl or female streamer without a facecam is in the top 1000 of twitch. I suggest a reality check.

The second he made that tape of him introducing himself with his happy family in the season opener was the big “Uh-oh” moment for me.

I think it will all hinge on if they determine if that john lived because of that emergency tracheotomy, or in spite of it.

Great episode, but man the foreshadowing.  I kept waiting for Frankie to announce he was retiring to sail around the world in his yacht, the Live 4 Ever.

“I respect it,” said a 20-something guy who’d just gotten his pizza. “She’s literally serving her fans.”

I hate the trope of “let’s have one actor play different people in the same bloodline”. Especially with Jesse’s line of “She looks so much like you”. I get that it’d be weird/a waste to get and pay a new actress just for one scene, but it always just feels cheap and a bit of a cop-out, especially with direct relatives

The thing is...that entire sequence makes no sense for those of us who have read the comics, which actually go out of their way to explain why God caused the fall, and why he created Genesis.


Spoilers, dude.

It ended exactly how I predicted: By showing the names of the people who made the show. 

Likely because no one actually cares all that much about the show.

Biggest fail of the entire finale...

that God is a needy piece of shit

I do have a soft spot for Starr, but there was no reason to show him mowing down the cops as his final act. In fact, the banality of him being taken busted by the local fuzz after everything would have been satisfying.

The only thing in the episode that made me feel anything was God tearfully killing his new creations as they pathetically squeal “I love you” over and over. So good on Mark Harelik. He’s been pretty strong this season, though there wasn’t much he could do to save the show from itself.

Remember when Jill Soloway said they were upset that the people who went forward with their allegations against Jeffrey Tambor didn’t let them handle it in-house and sweep it under the rug and tacitly blamed them? Gotta say: fuck Jill Soloway.

Those poor fucking actors.