
Cause he just wants to rule the world and maybe he could do a better job of it.

By the way, this is how one of editors woke me up in the middle of the night:

I only missed one. I got “stop the sun from rising” and “stop the sun from setting” confused (Anakin’s mother’s quote).


Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?

It’s a big ocean, there’s room enough for both!

He’s failed in many of his ventures, but stating that he’s failed in EVERYTHING is not true, either. Compared to 99% of Americans, his corporate life has been an overall success.

Well, he didn’t fail at winning the election, so we can no longer say that “everything he’s done on his own has been an abject failure.” (Although, if you’re going to quibble and say, “he didn’t do it on his own,” then you have to acknowledge that other people were also involved in his failed business ventures.)

They need a black guy and the Green Lantern Corps is not very marketable right now. DC doesn’t have a Black Panther or a Luke Cage that they can throw in to fill that spot.

I swear Cyborg in the JLA is the “Fetch” of comics. Please stop trying to make it happen.

You mean, “a triumph”, right?

So you can’t disassociate a word from a person you’ve seen use it?

He could’ve opted to not want to say anything at all.

I’m not surprised. The exportation of culture is one of the things the Japanese seem to enjoy and encourage. Someone with world-wide appeal as Scarlett Johansson playing Major was thought of as the coolest thing and a global recognition of influence by the university students I spent time with over the summer.

Come on. I’m pro-choice, I despise Trump, think the election result is a disaster. But can you not try to understand their viewpoint for one second? Dismissing them as “you don’t view women as people” just antagonizes them, and doesn’t solve anything. They view women as people. They also view foetuses as people.

Agreed. I find it hard to believe that there’s someone out there that would disagree with any of the four bullet points listed in the article. They seem rational...or I must be brainwashed or something? :-/

Women’s bodies vs bodies of the infants is what the argument is.

So Gizmodo is just not a blog about how bad trump is? Got it.

Totally agree. I think Liberals need to take a long look in the mirror and think about one thing, arrogance. They have been so cocky and arrogant about this election cycle or the last two or three. It jumped up and bit them in the ass in a huge way last night.

“You’re a racist if you voted for Trump”