
Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.

It’s how they outfox Thrawn. Paint a beautiful, elegant portrait of her, then drop a crappy photo filter to obscure all the psychological detail. GENIUS.

He was probably meant to be the pseudo-Jimmy anyway, and being the son of Toyman is just an added benefit. Maybe Winn can go all the way and become the wacky Superfreaks as the old silver age character did.

That’s because this is James Olsen. He’s not the Jimmy Olsen you know. James has a younger cousin named Jimmy, who will also end up going to Metropolis and become a photographer at the Daily Planet...

Jimmy is only Olsen in name. that he’s black does not matter. it’s the fact that he is a athletic handsome confident man and not a bumbling friendly goof. Jimmy Olsen would not become the Guardian.