My Trump-voting colleague has spent the last year interviewing and going through the motions to enroll in a particular federal job training program that would have guaranteed him a significantly higher salary and better benefits than our current job. Hebjust told me that he can’t get hired now because of Trump’s…
Minor nitpick pretty sure that Kowalski is supposed to be Polish immigrant not a Polish/Jewish immigrant. Kowalski is not a Jewish last name. It is the equivalent of Smith, not Cohen :)
Melania Trump certainly seems wicked bad, to the point that I wonder if part her public performances are Donald exerting some sort of control over her. That said, I think that the “sympathy” she’s getting is mostly about mocking Donald’s obvious disdain for everyone who is not himself.
Hidden Figures is just a lovely film.
Arrival is worth it IMO, and fully deserves the best picture, director and cinematography’s madness that the woman who’s on screen for the overwhelming majority of the run-time somehow isn’t nominated for her performance.
I think you maybe missed the point of her op-ed which was, succinctly, that she has chosen to embrace an ignorant, self-obsessed charlatan of a political figure because someone threw an egg at her once.
It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.
LMM will never be insufferable as long as he is using his powers for good, like increasing minority visibility in theater and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for Planned Parenthood, for example.
Brown’s offensive reference to the wrong ethnic origin goes nicely with Ansari’s joke about people telling him to “go back to...the country you’re from!”. His follow up is that the racists tend to not be geography buffs.
As a former figure skater, I generally cannot stand figure skating movies and hope that this one liberally uses body doubles instead of painful scenes of the actresses stiffly doing crossovers around the rink while we pretend they are Olympic athletes.
Paultoes just do me a favor and twist the knife harder so it hits a vital organ or artery so I can be put out of my misery. I miss them already :(
I don’t feel sorry for her. Not in the least.
Even though I cringe every time I read some admiration of Melania’s class or humanitarian wonderfulness or whatever, this scene scared the fuck out of me. I’ve seen this kind of psychological bullshit in my own parents’ marriage. He said some sharp little cruelty to her, then turned around with that self-satisfied…
It is easy to say that she is only with him for the money, and while economic interest might have led her to him, it is important to note that he is an abuser.
This reminds me of how I smile at my boss when we make eye contact and then after she turns aways I crinkle my nose in distaste.
So protests only matter when you’re uncomfortable and/or under threat of violence? Someone downthread described this as a “woker-than-thou” contest, and she/he is exactly right.
No. Nobody is picking apart something for the sake of it.
The problem is that without articles like this one, there’s no hope that the left *will* get its shit together and be capable of fighting back. Look at Occupy Wall Street, for example. So many people, so many disparate approaches, so little organization and focus on the fight after Zucotti park was cleared out, that…