
The problem being, and this brings me to a Chris Rock skit: “Ain’t nobody trying to blow Orrin Hatch! Ain’t nobody trying to give Newt Gingrich some! I don’t give a fuck, you ain’t never going to hear Newt Gingrich go: Man I wish these hoes would back up off me.’’

Alternative fact:

I’m not advocating for abstinence, but I do wonder how all these men would feel if their wives and girlfriends began taking the whole “abstinence is the best method of prevention” advice to heart and started a No-Sex Protest against them until they changed their minds.

I came home from the march and my partner had done all the dishes, finished putting away the christmas decorations, dragged the gnarly-ass tree down to the curb and then vacuumed the front stairs and entryway, vacuumed/mopped the entire house (all hardwood floors), and looked after our special-needs 6 year old all

It’s not treason, it’s Alternative Loyalty.

In a statement delivered on Sunday night, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told the WSJ, “We have absolutely no knowledge of any investigation or even a basis for such an investigation.”

Uh... you know that diverse groups have diverse opinions and people get to voice them. Progressive people tend to get this. It’s not “infighting” or “eating your own” or whatever else detractors want to call it. Our diverse movement can support and respect multiple opinions at the same time - even ones individuals

Ive said it before, but I loved the effort my local march (in lily-white Kansas) made to make sure that the speakers were diverse- in their race, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, abilities, class, age, and point of view. The crowd was respectful and receptive to all the different speakers, and

actual typo.

...but it works fine in the Fox Echo Chamber.

He is not even the smartest one in the room when he is taking a shit.

If you get Trump’s taxes by accident, be sure to let us know!

The New York Times is reporting that such a lawsuit is in the works right now. It will be brought by “scholars and lawyers.”

They are positioning themselves to release doctored tax returns as a distraction. Wikileaks is an FSB operation.


Never trust someone who uses the phrase “trust me”.

i knew that he wouldn’t do it, because he said that he would.

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

Hilariously, Wikileaks has declared an interest in having a whistleblower contact them so that they can leak it. Now. Yes, really. After everything. Particularly after Assange’s pledge to leave the embassy’s protection fell apart after he did that embarrassing backpedal. All of it. I know. I know. Yes, crabs. Barrel.

DC’s best sign: