
As someone in a really “not great” period of marriage right now, I have to confess I hate hearing “Marriage is hard!” or “Marriage is work!” - how hard is it really supposed to be? How much work is too much work? I know all relationships are hard work - but at what point can you look at something and say “This is more

I disagree. She and FKAtwigs make it look amazing.

I’m not going to begrudge anyone who survived a brutal attack the right to make money from that. She’s profiting from telling her story? I’m cool with that.

I don’t think ANYONE should feel comfortable with the idea of this engine of destruction (oh, sorry, “War Machine”) getting out of jail in 2-5. Not Christy Mack, not the prosecutors, not the American public, not anyone.

Look at the white woman making it about her.... So adorable.

Winning over women will require more than just churning out pink bongs. “Our products aren’t designed in a female fashion, but they function in a way that women want them to,” Dulany said. Dulany’s company touts its vaporizers as slimmer and lighter than the competition’s, emphasizing that the palm-sized products can

Whoa, this is my city, I’ll have to check this out!

I only post really stupid shit or moderately hostile comments and I’m ungrey. I have, literally, nothing to offer.

Hey! Focus! This is about Tony!

I wonder how many not-unattractive 47 year old women Tony “notices.”

I’m all for this platform of yours. Everybody in dresses!

I don’t know who decides clothing, but why do men wear pants and women wear dresses? I don’t wanna start a panic here, but...

When English men wear dress pants, they usually hitch up the legs of the pants prior to sitting, in part to avoid wearing out the fabric over knees and ruining the crease.

Men should pull their trousers up a bit at the knee when they sit down to stop the knees getting stretched and baggy.

Ugh thank you. That bit of hairy leg that’s always exposed grosses me out so much. Nasty nasty nasty.


Royal balls require a lot of room.

Also, what is going on with the pants of sitting besuited men? Must they ride up above their socks? Must they kill my will to live? How is this problem best avoided? Longer pants? Longer socks?