Wow, you were so much kinder than you needed to be.
Da fuq? Good thing you're around to tell random people what to do with their faces.
Well, the problem there is Priceline. You’d want to be looking at SkyScanner, or Kayak, But I guess that’s knowledge born of years of travel? I agree with the prior poster about priorities and budgeting. When I was younger I would sometimes work 3 jobs during the summer in Seattle, and then travel for 6+ months of the…
Like Saffy from AbFab.
Pink grapefruit is an abomination.
oh right, I forgot, the harrasment women experience in the "West" doesn't count, it's not legitimate. Women are only really harassed in other, poorer places, mostly with brown people, amirite?
oh right, I forgot, the harrasment women experience in the "West" doesn't count, it's not legitimate. I live in Ireland now, and have travelled enough in the UK to tell you that bosses groping their employees in view of customers is not acceptable behaviour at all.
oh right, I forgot, the harrasment women experience in the "West" doesn't count, it's not legitimate. I live in Ireland now, and have travelled enough in the UK to tell you that bosses groping their employees in view of customers is not acceptable behaviour at all.
OMG I have a cute grocery clerk story! I was 23/24, and had been going to the same WF for a while. There was a really cute guy whose line I would always stand in, and one day the guy in front of me was a few dollars short, and I covered him. You would have thought I cured cancer, the look on his face. This really…
lol, count your self lucky, at least you have 24hr hot water there ;) I moved to Ireland from the pnw, and was shocked to discover the immersion! I totally hear you on the poorly built/poorly insulated houses, the general refusal to turn on the heat! In fact, we got a dehumidifier, I turned the heat up a few degrees…
ok, well at 23 you're still pretty young, and it's not at all uncommon for hair to get thicker around pregnancy. When say I get older, I mean in the thirties and beyond, hair mostly thins. It's not like I'm saying she had thin hair, just that early Kate didn't have *insanely* thick hair!
I work in a high end salon that specialises in extensions, so I've gotten really good at spotting them. That's just a ton of hair, and while some women do have horses manes, younger Kate did not, and hair generally doesn't grow in volume as you age.
and so fake! For reals, her extensions are super obvious to me in that photo...
haha, but points for "originality" no?
Have you heard this? I thought of you.
I was raped by somebody I explicitly trusted. Many, many women are raped by people they know and trust. The problem lies with the rapists, not with the people accepting drinks.
I was raped by somebody I explicitly trusted. Many, many women are raped by people they know and trust. The problem lies with the rapists, not with the people accepting drinks.