
Between "Witches" and "The Storyteller", the Creature Shop was all about gnarly writhing and screaming transformations back then.

Aye, "Perils of Punky" is the most egregious no-show in this list. It was more the cliffhanger ending and the super-serious narration that got my crew though.

Because 90's Kids. (Though in fairness, as an 80's kid, I apologize on behalf of my generation for our confusing nostalgia as well.)

"The joke was, everyone in America at the time assumed Doctor Who was a
cultural show on the level of Shakespeare simply because the accents
were British."

I grew up near a meadow, so I understood from an early age that dragonflies ate mosquitoes, had a kickin' rad life-cycle (a tiny water monster that transforms into a miniature flying predator), and were overall very beautiful and cool. So you can imagine how stunned I was this summer at the lake when one of my

I'll step up for Miss Finch (though less for her eyelashes and more for the "Hey kids, there are people who can swoop in and separate kids from the only family they've ever known because unclear grownup reasons"/"The plot of the first 'Sesame Street' feature film is basically 'Losing Isaiah'" factor) but the lack of

Oh goodness, I understand why it's in there as an adult but "Cheer Up Charlie" is freaking *endless* when you're a kid.

BTTF was a fun overall ride experience (imagine a more extreme Soarin') but, watching the on-ride footage now, it was *really* short and incoherent. Dare I say the Simpsons ride is overall better? (Ducks, runs…)

Serious answer: A demonstration of the practical effects in "Twister". Not really a big loss, honestly.

In either case, it's another hashtag that gives you a handy list of people to block.

Funny, I figured the horrifying screaming sun gag was a parody of Teletubbie's horrifying laughing sun.

I figured it was the Rick and Morty take on "Hey, this place seems perfect! Wait, something feels wrong. Oh my God it's because humans have hidden snares all over the field/this entire world is forced into conformity by a demonic disembodied brain/all babies born on this world have freaky green sensory organs in

Stories like this are why I miss the used book store in my neighborhood. Many are the books I got for dirt cheap just because they had cool covers or interesting blurbs and wound up being awesome (or, at least, memorable). If they sucked, you could just trade them back in for store credit.

It's the first in a whole trilogy that's actually pretty decent.

Lost it at that line. I've seen a lot of over-speculation 'round the net over why the heck that'd be so scary but I just figured it was the "R&M" take on "Hey, this place is perfect! Wait, something feels wrong… Oh my God, everything is (enter justification for the sense of wrongness here)!? We have to get out of

Naw, the Dead Dog actually has to be likeable. Or interesting.

I regret to report that Imagine Dragons does not sing a number with Muppet dragons.

That is amazing! What a commitment to the illusion! (I always thought he was real too.)

God I loved this series as a kid and was sure it'd be around forever. <:(

This just makes me more enraged at the persistent threat of plowing over MuppetVision for yet more Star Wars stuff.