
I swear there was one episode of "Muppet Babies" that identified Gonzo as a Dodo.

Yeah, this show seemed like something that just appeared magically out of the aether, against all odds or common sense, just to make me happy. I honestly thought that (a) it had lasted a lot longer than just that one summer and (b) it was a much bigger hit than I'd imagined. I mean honestly, my generation was

It's worth it because it is just so bonkers, but in a fun way. Look for the spitting image of Lyra and Iorek. Plus the plot involves a human man essentially getting Catfished by a mermaid.

In that case, the dinosaur one in particular fascinates me. Did she think all animal bones on display were for decoration or just dinosaurs specifically?

Aye, and I hadn't read it in a very long time, so the fact that her stories have gotten considerably darker and more upsetting caught me off guard. I certainly hope she wasn't actually sexually abused as a teen, but I needed a drink and a good long stare at the wall after those stories. On the one hand, that's a

I would subscribe to an "Unintentionally Messed Up Children's Media" podcast.

Still uncomfortable as heck to read.

I suddenly want a college-level essay about how, exactly, rumors like "The brother in 'Small Wonder' grew up to be Billy Corgan"/"The best friend in 'Wonder Years' grew up to be Marilyn Manson" get started.

"…the original tune is basically just a take-down of the poor and
uneducated (and you wouldn't have to use too much imagination to assume
it's also quite racist)."

If our generation is to ever have an epitaph, it ought to be "You're thinking of Out of This World."

AAH! That's another one that's been haunting me since childhood! I only remember the last scene, where Robot Grandma visits the much older children, does her drying laundry by flying it on a kite trick, and sings that sad, sad "Agatha, Agatha…" song.

The Dummy, in the grand tradition of high-concept weird shit happens in an ordinary house sitcoms like "ALF" and "Scorch", was played by a puppet (ie, a real dummy which didn't move about too much).

I have nothing to add to this discussion besides the fact that for years "Konrad" (that damn dehydrated child-blob in a barrel birthing sequence) and "Fuzzbucket" (another made-for-TV movie with a mind-scarring birth sequence - this time a kid's imaginary friend comes to life by materializing *from the inside out*)

Guys. "Catdog".

I like to imagine that's a horrifying peek into what Caillou is going to sound like as an adult.

Me. Though, in fairness, I had a family event last weekend. And another this weekend too.

"Ooh, look! Here comes Sam Jackson's DNA reconstituted in a Gigantoraptor body! (awkward pause) I… wasn't expecting a dinosaur named 'Gigantoraptor' to look like a Chocobo and I'm guessing Sam didn't either…"

Or preening them. Oh, no, wait…

All joking aside, I maintain that "The Wiz" is more unsettlingly scary than "Return to OZ".

It's your long-lost dad trying to send you a message from beyond space and time.