
"I got my computer!
"I play the piano!
"And I got blue hair bop!
"Me, I invent things
"Meep meep meep MEEEEE!!!
"Is everything alright in here?
"Yes, Nanny."

Criminy the animation in "Sid" is off-putting. It's like they've each got a mouthful of marshmallows.

With a then-timely, now wicked uncomfortable subplot involving Princess Diana!

Further proof that the '90's were SO Goddamn strange is the fact that we had, in quick succession, largely unappealing cartoons about a young Roseanne, a young Damon Wayans, and a young Louise Anderson.

It's fascinating how ubiquitous the Bean Bunny character was during a relatively short time period, and how he's essentially disappeared now. My younger relatives thought he'd been created wholecloth for "MuppetVision 3D" in Disney World and could not be convinced otherwise.

Guys. Guys. "Dinosaur Train". That is the cartoon I wish I had when I was a kid. (I also wish the people behind "Jurassic Park 4-Ever After" had it as kids.)

Christ, every time I empty the dishwasher:

Welp, that's going to haunt my dreams.

What's funny is that I saw "Speed" before "Ferris Bueller" and didn't recognize him yet.

Dennis Hopper wasn't an animal?

Uncle Puff never gets invited to any of the dragon parties I've been to. I wonder why?

That's literally the only thing I remember from that movie: how awesome they made it look when, in the glorious future, we'll be able to order pizza via the Internet instead of the phone. (I have since done this. It's convenient but not that awesome.)

Every time I see an Opposum, man…

"Squeek squeeka, squeek squee?"

Seconded. No other band has ever thought up a lyric that is as metal as their "The grass does not grow in the places where we stop and stand…"

I had to Google that to see if you were pulling our leg but, lo and behold, it's real. It's real and it's the kind of thing that all the greatest satirists in the world working together wouldn't ever imagine because it's just too much.

Having listened to the episode in question (which is otherwise, incidentally, gut-bustingly hilarious), I think - I HOPE - he didn't really mean it. After all, they were talking about "Jack Frost", and everything about that movie eats away at one's soul.

Even though they both date back to at least "Jim Henson Hour", according to my younger cousins during our trip last month, Bean and Waldo might as well have been invented wholecloth for "Muppetvision 3D" in Disney World. (Which is, not coincidentally, still the best Disney/Muppet collaboration.)

I won't spoil it but there is a scene in "Most Wanted" that's deeply upsetting for this very reason. Given the context, I can't help but wonder if it was intentional.

It is very odd-looking, to be fair. I can see where one would think they were looking at CGI Muppets. It only happens a few times and it wasn't enough to ruin the movie for me, which I thought was terrific. Felt much more like a *Muppet* movie than "The Muppets".