
Because nobody suspects the ducks…

There are a few moments in the series where Ax is about to explain exactly how Andalite morphing works - and Marco always manages to shut him down. Pissed me right the hell off.

Look at how Goddamn happy the Machop line is!

I do remember the episode where they visited a sort of Toy Hell they'd accidentally created when Christopher Robin and Tigger assumed "Clean your room" meant "Shove everything under the bed". Man, that series could get weird.

I was flipping channels and happened upon that very scene. And I immediately thought, "In that moment, Sandra wasn't racist anymore! So they sat in the sun / and ate bubblegum pie…!"

This is where I remind everybody that the way the script treats Jenny is just really fucking gross.

Come to mention it, the smartest thing Disney Feature Animation did was get all the snark out of their system in things like "Chicken Little" and "Home on the Range" (have a no-prize if you remember either of those) and then decide, "No. No more of that. Let's actually care about the characters and stories."

Maybe this one's too unsubtle but:

Same here. I often wonder if it's a gender thing or if I was *just* too old for it? Right from the start I felt it was pretty bad, but bad in a way that made me feel kind of uncomfortable. (I now know that this is because "Hook" is essentially "Spielberg Works Out His Daddy Issues While Making a Peter Pan Movie".)

"But but but - they make fun of Disney movies!"

Hence the "kinda" in my "kinda bullshit".

Wackity schmackity doo!

I kind of want them to make it only because it has been rumored for like fucking EVER and the end-result after all these years would without a doubt be a spectacular disaster — but it'd at least be a fascinating "why does this even exist" kind of disaster.

Our first indication that the "Best Animated Feature" category was kinda bullshit.

You know, the older I get, the more I find I actually wish for more movies that have the balls to give me totally sincere "heartwarming bullshit". I like it an awful lot better than the Shrek franchise's (not to mention all the many and varied and obnoxious Shrek imitators') Smugfacing-at-the-audience "we know you're

"Waking Life" was robbed!

Hell, I'd smash it over his head if given that set-up.

Oh… yeah, the thing with Whiplash's Cockatoo. (I did appreciate the bit where they try to bring him some other Cockatoo and he can tell immediately.)

Wait, there were ornithological discussions in "Iron Man 2"? I feel like I would've remembered this?

It says something that the thing that irks me here the most is that ducks are birds, not mammals…