
They never really explain what a Niffin is exactly. From what we learn in the book it *seems* to be that you've summoned so much power that you've permanently shed your physical form and become a being of pure energy unable to interact with the (for want of a better word) prime material plane. But then in the second

Right, exactly. Except, unlike accounting school, this is a school that teaches potentially toxic people the skills that could lead one of them to wiggle a finger the wrong way and accidentally summon an unknowable evil.

This is part of the reason why my favorite parts of the Oscars are the awards for the categories they'd excise from the show if they could: Animated Short, Visual Effects, Makeup, and so forth. The people who win these never get to be the "stars" so they're genuinely excited to be there.

Everyone else has hit the nail right on the head here. The only thing I could add is that in some cases, one reason could be because some promotions called the first book "Harry Potter for adults". And the adults who grew up from the children who read the Harry Potter books* REALLY love the characters.

Magicians is one of those cases where I have to tell people, "It's overall excellent, but you're going to have to stick with it after that one weird part. And then that other weird part. And then that OTHER weird part…"

If you think about it, the scene in the very beginning where the two guys in the giant robot go out of their way to rescue a fishing boat from a giant monster is what every other blockbuster this summer was missing.

"How DARE this show directed at little girls do something that little girls would like?!?"

Brony logic!

Oh good God, yes please.

Dude… they're not human.

My monitor's pretty wide but any of what I am guessing are clickable buttons for "log in", "notifications", etc. haven't loaded properly for me.

Oh for Chewie's sake, people, it isn't that bad.

But it's easier to laugh at before you, an innocent lass from the Northeast corner of the U.S. very sensitive to the treatment of wildly misunderstood animals, learn that Rattlesnake Roundups are an actual thing…

"I get crupid!
I shoot an arrow like Crupid!
"I'll use a word that don't mean nothin'!
Like crupid!"

Like dubbed in French but not in French class? The French live-action movie but not in French class? I can't even…?

As a vast sweeping generalization, teenagers can be dumb little shits that hate anything that's "too boring".

I have watched this damn thing as a child and all I can think now is of the girl and the horse both screaming "YOLO!!!!!" as they jump.

And then an insufferably adorable little redhead girl and her little friends sing about how much being a softball player sucks.

"A rose will blooooooooooooom!
It then must faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade!!!"

How the hell did he deal with the fax-machine-must-die scene?