
"…it's pretty pointless to get a bunch of sullen self-consciousness almost-teens to sing."

And remember, humans are not animals! We're not! Even though we eat and sleep and pee and poop and bleed and… You shut your mouth about all that; humans are Different and Special!

I cannot even IMAGINE how uncomfortable the "Hollow Man" classroom screening must have been. My God…

Could it have been an episode of "ReadIt" or "Books from Cover to Cover"? Those were a pair of largely interchangeable series that were nonetheless awesome to me because I was an art student and this showed an illustrator working on an illustration as the relevant scene in the book was narrated as s/he worked.

What did you kids do that was so awful, your teacher made you watch "Mac and Me"?

Holy shit, "Gift"! Thanks for reminding me that wasn't a fever dream I had or something. (We didn't watch it in class but a college floormate owned a copy and shared it with anyone who happened to be in the common TV room at the time.)

Honestly, "Time and Punishment" is a better adaptation of "A Sound of Thunder" than the justly-forgotten movie entitled "A Sound of Thunder".

Please tell me you mean the batshit-insane Drew Barrymore/Keanu Reeves "Babes in Toyland". Man, if any movie needed a cult following…

I can only imagine that "All Dogs" is "too religious" because the word Heaven is in the title, because otherwise, I can't even imagine…

I missed this, but as I mentioned later in the thread our local after-school program was incredibly "ain't give a fuck"-ish with regards to what movies they could show. I got to half-watch "Howard the Duck", "Little Shop of Horrors", and "Garbage Pail Kids" among others and at that young age they both horrified and

Which triggers another "fun" memory from my tiny, non-religious, all-girls high school days. We were sent home once with a permission slip from the Headmistress, who wanted our parents' permissions to let us watch "Schindler's List". On Good Friday. As a tribute to a Jewish teacher who had passed away last year.

Ah, teachers giving the whole class a long, awkward stern lecture just because of the inappropriate behavior of one or two students. Fun times for all.

Hell, this makes EVERY Robin Williams movie more entertaining!

*Gag* Buttercream… The bane of all Birthday parties.

Upvote this if you actually had to SING in every God-forsaken music class ever and have no sympathy for and yet also a sudden envy of all these kids who got to slack off and watch movies instead.

Heh, we had to see "Mr. Holland's Opus" as part of a field trip in, I think, sixth grade. In any case, I was old enough to think, "No… this is WRONG somehow…" during that "Someone to Watch Over Me" scene, but not old enough to say exactly what.

People have a weird definition of "ephemeral".

No spoilers, but I found myself saying "I… I didn't think anyone was expecting *that* to happen" in-between picking my jaw off the floor.

Between this, "Ferngully", and a bunch of RPGs, people need to stop sealing evil beings who want to destroy all that is alive and good in the world in giant trees.

"He deduces something’s up from a boat and a fallen veri (?) cake."