
I was trying to remember the specific Onion headline.

Reasonably Appropriate in High School: "Telefrances" and "The Red Balloon" in French class, "Sybil" and "The Breakfast Club" in psychology, "To Kill a Mockingbird", "The Outsiders", the 60's "Romeo and Juliet", "Mr. Bean", and the '90's "Little Women" in English Lit.

"Donald in Mathmagicland" is freakin' awesome, though to this day I have not learned one whit of math from it.

Were they sending out copies of that movie for free to gym teachers or something? Cause honestly, every single rainy day…

Oh holy sh*t, the Wave! That was hard core. We watched it in psychology class while learning about the fake prison experiment and other experiments that went horribly wrong.

Our very passionate teacher who taught us both history and literature showed that to us and we were shell-shocked for the rest of the week.

Muad-dib! Muad-DIB!!!

Well that beats my teacher-friends' suddenly-inappropriate videos stories all to hell.

I was student teaching in a fifth-grade classroom and one of the little boys always tried to convince me to show his big brother's copy of "Gladiator" to the class when the head teacher was out sick. Yeah, that was a fun thing to have to deal with.

In a college folklore class, we watched the Quay's "Adventures of Tom Thumb" along with Green Jelly's "Three Little Pigs" music video and, err, Cocteu's "Beauty and the Beast". One of the older students was a "Person Who Does Not Own A Television Constantly Bragging About The Fact That They Do Not Own A Television"

Well then pardon me for choosing to hedge my bets and give an honest answer to a response posted two years after the fact.

We just call it the Annual Reminder Of The Reasons Our Ancestors Emigrated Special.

And an important addendum to that: thirty feet is a big deal when it's the worst part of winter and you're walking right between the ocean and a salt marsh.

Except the restaurant is in the brand-spankin' new Hingham Shipyard, so…?

Yeah, that's the strangest aspect of this article for me. (A) Wahlbergers is in Hingham and thus not really near Boston and (B) it's Paul's restaurant, not Mark's.

Mayonnaise *and* cranberry on turkey sandwiches is apparently a Thing We Do here in the Greater Boston area, and I say "apparently" because it never occurred to me that it wasn't just a regional thing other places would find weird.

No. Unless you are watching a bootlegged version that edits in the silhouette of a person hanging himself (which is apparently a thing people did when the rumor was at its peak and frankly I don't understand the mind-set that creating such an edit would require), that odd motion in the background is a crane opening

Your mileage may vary, seeing as you seem to have genuine nostalgic affection for the show, but a few years ago, the very nice Muppet fansite Tough Pigs reviewed the episodes of "Mother Goose" that were released on DVD and came to the conclusion that it… doesn't really hold up as an adult.

Because the original "Land Before Time" is a genuinely gorgeous animated film. (Also, it's basically all we had for a dinosaur movie back in the days before "Jurassic Park".)

"Ice Angel 3: There Are Dinosaurs In This One Because Fuck Everything Unique About Setting a Series During This Less Popular Geological Era"