
I think Daniel is trying to toughen him up. He knew Chris would engage. Whether or not he knew he would shoot him is up in the air.

Seriously. What a bunch of morons.

The panel I have on my desk. Unfortunately, my job fails at every one:

According to the writers of this episode, they "missed" that issue of the comics. Really?

I still enjoy it. It's mostly entertaining, if a bit stupid at times, but that's why I watch TV, to be entertained.

My kids and I duet the whole song. I get to be Mandy, of course.

A good episode. Got some back story on Strand, which was much appreciated. Characters are still doing stupid shit, but at least shit's happening. It's not Hershel's Boat.

That's how I read it. He wasn't doing surgery, he was working at his former profession, earning money and still trying to keep current on what was happening. Bailey wanting him to sit at home for six months and take care of the unseen Tucker is ridiculous.

I was just thinking the cast is considerably bloated. Maybe a helicopter can fall on the hospital.

Riggs was right to critique Bailey. No one else would. I really hoped that when she asked him if he was uncomfortable in surgery, he would have said "Only when you're here bitching at him." I don't understand why it's such a big deal for Ben to do anesthesiology, anyway. She banned him from surgery. Not the same

I think this episode is the first time I felt something other than hate for Amelia. She was right in banning Stephanie from the surgery/gallery and she was almost good in the final scene with Owen.

I'm a huge zombie fan, he thinks they're stupid. He's a huge ghost hunting fan, I think it's stupid. A win/win!

Currently Sully, after Sully Erna. Other cats have included: Pagey, Kashmir, Dazed, Confused, Black Sabbath, Lars and Mars. Confused and Black Sabbath got busy just before he went to get fixed and she gave birth to Bon, Angus, Malcolm, Phil and Cliff. Managed to find homes for all those little headbangers.

Upvote for that awesome pun!

I didn't think it was so bad. Of course, I sometimes think I'm the only person in the world who watches a show and doesn't look for parallels and hidden meanings and the deeper darker subset of what the writers intended. I just want to be entertained.

Seems to be a trend in non-porn written works as well. I've read 3 books in the last couple months where a half brother/half sister were unknowingly having sex.

At one point, he was McArmy. That didn't stick well, but I still use it when I'm describing him.

Yeah, that was the consensus the old man and I came to. Too many fans would be disappointed if they didn't hear "Back in Black" or "You Shook Me All Night Long" even if they sounded like utter trash because Axl does not have that kind of voice.

She addressed that Seth wouldn't go, he would stay with his father.

Sounded way better than I ever thought it would. Do ya think they'll stick with mostly Bon Scott era songs? Axl's voice is more Bon than Brian.