
The vast majority of the voice overs are done by Meredith Grey. Of over 260 episodes, less than 20 have been narrated by other characters.

Maybe to stop anyone else from making a better one?

I liked it, but if it's just gonna be once smart people making stupid decisions, they may as well take that yacht to Alexandria.

My son asked me where they picked up Tyreese.

I used to have this as my ringtone. It was great when the kids called in the middle of our department staff meetings. Everyone would snap their fingers right on cue.

For years, I actually thought he was saying "Fuck you." I was stunned, then I learned the truth…

How much do you want to bet that she doesn't even say anything to him about overhearing what his meddling mother said?

Exactly! I don't expect Oscar caliber writing, but at least try not to insult our intelligence.

I pretty much rolled my eyes at this whole episode. I know they always have cases that mirror their problems, but damn, be a little more subtle, writers. 'Bout the only thing I enjoyed was the sisters squabbling and April's rage face, even if I'm totally over her stupid story line.

I had this happen at New York & Co. I wear a full two sizes smaller there than normal. Which I guess makes sense to them, since they offer size 00.

The writers aren't that smart.

And what happens when someone hears her banging the door and opens it up and shoots her, thinking she's a walker? I could see Father Gabriel doing that…

My hate for it is because of the cheap cliff hanger. Even if they don't follow the comics, which they don't always, don't be lazy, like they have been many times this season. Finish it. After Negan killed whoever he killed (my money is on Abraham because of his acceptance of love and life with Sasha), then focus on

Wish they would have kept more of his speech, because I always liked that martyr line and of course, explaining he wasn't going to kill the people of color in the group because he wasn't racist, then ends up doing it, anyway.

Completely underwhelmed by this so-called "roller coaster ride" which made cast members "unable to speak." I could speak and what I said was ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Completely agree. I don't know how many people I've talked to after a slower episode that complained that there wasn't enough zombie kills. If you try to make it a little more suspenseful, a good many fans will bemoan the fact that Michonne didn't get to chop thru a zombie skull.

I like that idea, but at the same time, how stupid will it be if just this *one* character curses like a sailor, throwing around constant f-bombs?

I came here to say Eastwood as Roland. That is my dream casting.

I didn't even see it as a sexual assault, just that Meredith started freaking out because it wasn't Derek and Maggie overreacted.

This is exactly what I liked about it, the slow burn, but I wished they had extended it a little longer. From episode one to episode six, it was all but over. I wanted a little more of the descent into madness.