
I had the girl version - Derry Daring. I don't know how many times she flew out of my bedroom window.

Ooh, me!!! Me!!!! ME GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!

Voluntary in the sense that I'll kill or disfigure your man if you don't willingly sleep with me and only me. Sure, why not consider that "voluntary."

I really miss the Daryl/Carol interactions.

When they were on the road to Alexandria, a pack of dogs came at them. They killed them and ate them. And all the dog lovers cried.

That pissed me off. You leave the pacifist and the one with one eye to guard against anything that might come down the pike. Not smart planning. Of course, neither was taking the pregnant woman.

I don't know if AMC has the balls to let them have Negan kill a pregnant woman. My vote is on Glenn, Morgan or Abraham.

Ya know, I started out saying that I agreed with your first two, but then I thought of how many times I rolled my eyes at Owen's fascination with Amelia and how many times I yelled at the screen "Seriously? You had Cristina!!" and I think I agree with your #3 as well. :)

Didn't say that at all. I said that she was the first black person that Roland had seen. Big difference. Without the racial tension, I think the ka-tet doesn't grow as it should and doesn't form as it should.

I agree that race is not a major part of Roland's character, but it is a major part of the interaction between Detta/Odetta/Susannah and Roland. Odetta was the first black person Roland had ever seen. The horrible racial undertones of Detta's feelings towards Roland and Eddie will be completely gone. I think Idris

She did, but the blanket was pulled off by one of the female guards. The kid pulled it back over his face. I thought he was just playing peek-a-boo.

Precisely. This show (and AVClub) made me look up the history of Ragnar and Rollo, something I was never taught about in school. So even if it's wrong on TV, it can still spark something in someone.

Pretty sure that was newly filmed. Robert Baker was listed as a guest star and they didn't do that with others who appeared in flashbacks. I wondered how he was going to show up. He doesn't look like he's changed an iota since the first time he was Percy.

Into You Like A Train makes me choke up every time I see it, but the one that makes me actually cry (the only television show to ever do it) is the episode when Meredith realizes that George is John Doe.

Being as we were poor and cheap, we had my brother-in-law videotape the blessed event. With a borrowed camcorder. Yeah, that's a masterpiece.

The show isn't perfect by any means, but a reviewer saying how shitty it is during nearly every review is ridiculous. Why review a show if you hate it? Why watch a show if you hate it? Why comment on the review of a show if you hate it?

I couldn't watch it because his mother reminded me too much of my mother-in-law.

When I read the ending of 11/22/63, I was gobsmacked at how good and un-Kinglike it was. Then I found out it was Joe Hill's idea and it made perfect sense.

I read somewhere years ago, can't find it now, that they had to scale back the power of the Charger so that the Mustang could win. I'll see if I can find the article. I'm a Mopar gal myself (with a '68 Charger sitting in my garage needing more repairs than I have money to throw at it), so I'd certainly believe that.

Pro-Munch. Watched L&O:SVU at least twice just for Munch. Then I realized how asinine it was to watch a stupid TV show for just one character.