
Buying a car from a company that is aligned with, if not outright owned by China, the US’s biggest geopolitical adversary, is a non-starter for many. This is espcially true for vehicles like Ram trucks and Dodge’s various muscle cars who’s buyers skew red polically. It might work for Volvo, but the customer base

JMHO, Venezuela now = California in about 20 years.

MIT compares the costs of six different typical expenses for each state: food, child care, medical, housing, transportation, and “other.”

El Gawker now :)

You know all these people moving there are going to want things like schools, roads, police, fire: The services those taxes are supposed to pay for.

The highest income tax in the US to 0% income tax? Yep. Smog to no smog? Yep. Business hostile to business friendly? Yep. Ridiculous housing prices to low housing prices? Yep. It might not be as pretty, but it’s a better place to live.

Uh, it is the standing policy of Gizmodovicion employees to shit-talk any municipality that is not Brooklyn, NY, aka the center of the universe.

Jalopnik may be the least Gawker-ish of all of their sites, but its still Gawker

Pretty sure the writer just hates Texas

I know plenty of people are going to come on here to shit on the idea of moving to Texas, but I actually live 20 miles from the new headquarters site. It really is a great place to live and raise a family, with affordable housing and good schools (I refrain from calling them ‘great’). It could be better, and the

So, a what is essentially a major Dallas suburb added 3,000 new citizens, 1000 presumably high paying jobs for it’s citizens, and a HQ for one of the biggest manufacturers in the world, and you see this as bad?

why didnt you complain about Obama spending

Jay Leno is The Man. That will be all.

Surprisingly, not everything he proposes is necessarily bad, but the actual implementation of course remains to be seen.

The fact that you even asked this question only proves to me that this site is in its death throws. Jalopnik is a car blog, SEMA is the epicenter of the aftermarket modification market. It is not open to the public, which would make the public’s main source for SEMA information the press. Do you have anyone at SEMA

It’s not worth $00,000, it’s a car that gets VERY decent mileage, but yes, it “pollutes” like a car from the 90s.

Im at the end of turn 12... row 26(top) and bought 3 seats.. even though there is only 2 of us.. So can just have a good time, is there a Jalopnik tent... LOL... I kid, I know you guys have no money.. we should start a go-fund me acct for Jalopnik US Grand Prix tent..

Dang that video was a Thriller!

Go fuck yourself.