
Texans don’t want to pay for roads (or anything else) so we end up with toll roads. Personally, I’m in favor of well-planned and appropriately priced toll roads because it fits the basics of supply and demand - you want to use this road, you pay for it. Problem is that TX toll roads, from what I’ve seen in the

Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.

You can take Greg Hardy out of the Cowboys but you can’t take the Greg Hardy out of the Cowboys fans...

“Greg Hardy remains a free agent, but as you can see, he’s kept himself in top physical condition”

-Sycophantic NFL Announcers

So trump likes exotic cars... like jalopnik... and you all hate him for it meanwhile the cunt Clinton doesnt drive at all?

I find myself visiting Jalop less and less all the time and it is because of shit like this and the hopeless clickbait. Fuck Jolawpker.

Gawker Media the place where the left can do no wrong, the right is always the enemy, and there’s no such thing as a moderate. It would be nice to come to a website about cars and not have a political spin on every third article.

this place is turning to partisan shit, where have all the jalop refugees gone

We need more partisan political Gawker influence in Jalopnik. There hasn’t been enough since they were justifiably bankrupted.

I would have it painted like the complaining neighbor’s house so if they complained, they would be complaining about the look of their own home.