
Naa, there’s no escaping the little tummy, no matter how slender you are. Organs have to go somewhere.

I wonder if he’s hiding a Japanese body pillow girlfriend like James Franco... “Kimikotan!”

No, that's just called vacation belly... the result of too many frozen daiquiris and eating real food.

Norman, too, is quite the feminist.

My tortoise, Moses, is the most feminist woke reptile ever. Nobody is more feminist than him!

This brings back memories of “confused cats against feminism”

Vladimir with his Donald hair! Total feminist.

I have a Gus cat too!

My girls are feminists. I surround them with strong beauty pageant role models.

George is technically a female supremacist.

Total feminist dog.

I too have a feminist cat.

the boys

My Gus cat is a feminist. I can tell by the adoring way he looks at me. Just heart eyes all the time.

I’ve thought about this and realized that it can be both. I believe he thinks his daughter is an exceptional woman (and not just the whole “if she wasn’t my daughter I’d...” bit of effluvia). I believe he encouraged her. Because she’s his. And that alone makes her exceptional by virtue of those yugely great genes. But

Well, I’m sure their divorce will be very twee as well.

Oh, I have the same dream sometimes!

Agreed. Would love for the NYT to follow up with all the couples that they wrote about in Vows and see how many have equally awful divorces.

I don’t remember! Very possible, though.

I’ve lived with depression for a very long time, I’m not sure how long I’ve had it. It’s always been lurking in the back rooms of my mind. I had an on again off again boyfriend as a teen who used to do things like this to me he would have the same look on his face when he apologized everytime. I may not know this girl